To Athena — Called In Advance

Somehow the world often seems to be at a lost. The mankind tries to show itself innocent, because one cannot suspect bad things. If one had only known something, then one would have done preventively everything against it. But one cannot know that the world ends. How can you, if you always keep your eyes closed to the uncomfortable.

"Called In Advance" is the ironic commentary on all the excuses of mankind, why one could not prevent bad developments like climate change, war or waves of refugees.

“Oh If only you had called in advance. We could have been prepared and so we'd be all right.”

Label:Mouthwatering Records
Publishing:Mouthwatering Records
Promotion:Mouthwatering Records,
Management:Vera Joder,
Mouthwatering Records,
Booking:Orange Peel Agency, (CH)
Cabin Artists, (Europe/UK (except CH))