Ay Wing — Ego (23 womxn Live Music Video)

Ay Wing Live Music Video “Ego”: 23 womxn collaboration


Inspired by the Divine Feminine, 23 talented female artists from the Berlin music, creative & visual worlds gathered together to create a hybrid live music video. The music video was shot at Berlin's Oatmilk Studios earlier this year and featured female artists in the fields of videography and film production, photography, choreography, styling, design, creative direction and many more areas of production. The aim was to create community, connection and solidarity among womxn in the creative scene & showcase emerging female talents. This video release speaks to a new generation of feminist, empowering the feminine energy present in all of us to shine through. We wish to inspire female associated values such as empathy, sensitivity, sensuality, creativity and more balance between the masculine and feminine cycles of society and individuals, which is why three male artists were also involved in this project.


Ay Wing's latest release 'Ego' is a beat driven feel-good anthem that speaks to the part of oneself that is capable of rebirth, of rising above challenges, and letting go. The musicality flaunts a Hip Hop House inspired beat and dreamy hook, along with Ay Wing's inspiring lyrics - taking listeners on a journey through their own psyche. The song also calls listeners to zoom out to the wider lense of the universe, to see themselves as a part of the bigger picture and realise that we are just one tiny fragment in the scheme of things.

Booking:Fuchsbau, (CH)